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Cool Subdomain Names

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  1. Best Subdomain Names
  2. Cool Subdomain Names Minecraft
  3. Cool Subdomain Names Roblox
  4. Cool Subdomain Names

Heck, even your name as a domain name can be a good thing when you look at it from a uniqueness angle. Avoid Hyphens In the hopes of being unique and memorable, it can be tempting to buy a domain name that is catchy but that uses hyphens since the real name you want is already registered. The most common subdomain is www, which stands for World Wide Web. This subdomain contains a website’s homepage and its most important pages. The www subdomain is so widely used that most domain registrars include it with domain name purchases. Subdomains are also commonly used to separate a section of a website from the main site. Now once you register a domain name you are free to divide that domain name further into subdomains by creating a third level. The names for the subdomains are decided by you and do not need approval of any Internet authorities. As a example assume I register the domain name- I can now create subdomains like: Domain names are the real estate of the Internet. Just as a good location is vital for a bricks and mortar business, a good domain name will be the corner stone of your website's success. But how to identify them? Below you will find the 7 characteristics of good domain names. They are short Good domain names are short. It is not a coincidence that all the three-letter and

Newsletters have become an important part of business today. In order to attract the attention of the readers, you will need more attention-grabbing newsletter names. Here we will share with you some of the best, unique, creative and cool newsletter name ideas and suggestions that will inspire you to write your own.

All the modern newsletter name ideas that we are sharing with you can be used anywhere you want. You can use them for your own company or for your clients.

Over the last year, we have helped thousands of entrepreneurs find business names for their businesses. We studied different aspects of why some names make it fast while other businesses flop because of the wrong selection of a business name.

What is a Domain Name Registrar? To put it simply a domain name registrar is a service that lets you register and purchase domain names. Domain name registrars have been accredited by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), which is a non-profit who has been delegated the responsibility to manage the Domain Name System.

So is the case with the name of your newsletter. A better name will give you a better response from the readers and thus it will lead to more contacts. And, thus more sales and profits. Here is how a good newsletter name looks like:

  • Share information about the newsletter.
  • Tells a story or deliver a message.
  • Unique and creative.
  • Easy to understand and memorable.

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Table of Contents

Newsletter Names

Here is the list of cool, creative, catchy, and unique newsletter names for you:

  • Marketing Directions
  • The Investment Portfolio
  • Marketplace News
  • Notes
  • Post
  • Roundup
  • Cliff notes
  • Digest
  • Bulletin
  • Publication
  • Alert
  • Beaver
  • Cable
  • Journal
  • Messenger
  • Reporter
  • Advance Bulletin
  • Announcement
  • Brief

Newsletter Name Ideas

Here are some newsletter name ideas to inspire you to write your own name:

  • TalkBack
  • Insider News
  • In Vision
  • Jumper
  • The Talker
  • Tech Talk
  • Telegraph
  • Smoke Signals
  • Some Assembly Required
  • Spectator
  • Next Draft
  • One 2 One
  • Peruse it
  • Playground
  • Communication
  • The Communique
  • Community Action
  • Competitive Edge
  • Connections

Modern Newsletter Names

Following are some modern newsletter names that you may like:

  • The Beats
  • Bits and Bytes
  • Broadcast
  • The Bulletin
  • In Tune
  • The Key Note
  • The Beat
  • Highlights
  • Short Cuts
  • The Daily Diva
  • People’s Press
  • Right Direction
  • The Beacon
  • Steering Wheel
  • Roadmap to Success

Health Newsletter Names

Below are some health newsletter names ideas and suggestions:

  • Just the Facts
  • The Advisor
  • The Dispatch
  • Digest
  • Directions
  • The Dispatch
  • Doctor
  • Eclipse
  • Enterprise
  • Master Works
  • Mentor
  • The Messenger
  • My Two Cents
  • Thrive
  • Tips
  • Up to Date
  • Appeal
  • Bottoms Up
  • Comet
  • Discovery

Best Subdomain Names

Church Newsletter Names

Following are the best church newsletter names that will inspire you:

  • Seller
  • Star
  • Telegraph
  • Banner
  • Broadcast
  • Caller
  • Connection
  • Hunter
  • Lawyer
  • News
  • Republic
  • Flyer
  • Jumper
  • NextDraft
  • Inside Look
  • Chronicle
  • Memo
  • Newspage

Nonprofit Newsletter Names

Here are some clever nonprofit newsletter names for you:

  • Pages
  • The Guided Light
  • The Supporter
  • Community Pathways
  • Grassroots Gazette
  • Clips
  • Segments
  • Playbook
  • Content
  • Brief
  • Dispatch
  • Technology Times
  • Network
  • Tech Times
  • Going Places
  • Are We There Yet?
  • The Jetsetters

Real Estate Newsletter Names

Here are some of the best real estate newsletter names:

  • Realty Report
  • Neighborly News
  • Real Estate Insider
  • Cruising
  • Auto-Mate
  • On the Road
  • In Focus
  • Beyond Beta
  • Data Points
  • Report
  • Solutions
  • Ideas
  • News Scout
  • Perfect Fit
  • Hair Me Out
  • The Cat Walk Method

Education Newsletter Names

Below are the best education newsletter names for you:

  • Bona Foodie
  • Tasty
  • Healthcare
  • Pulse Newsletter
  • Way To Go
  • Staying in Touch
  • Smart Move
  • The Home Front
  • The Neighborhood
  • Inspired Interiors
  • Punchlist
  • Latest
  • Letter
  • Editorial
  • Snapshot
  • Sentences

Human Resources Newsletter Names

Here are some human resources newsletter names ideas and suggestions:

  • Resource
  • Speed
  • Teacher
  • Tips
  • Update
  • Stealth
  • Telephone
  • Trumpet
  • Examiner
  • Happenings
  • Linesman
  • Mentor
  • Kindred Spirits
  • The Lead Dog
  • The Line
  • Linesman

How to Name Your Newsletter

As I stated earlier, in order to grab the attention of the readers, you need to name your newsletter in the right way. The more people read and understand your newsletter the more profit you will gain indirectly.

The question is “how to name your newsletter so that more and more people read it?” and the answer is “it’s possible”.

Here is the step by step process to name your newsletter:

1. Keep it short and simple.

If you look at the newsletter of big companies and corporations, you will come to know that these big companies prefer to use short and simple names in their newsletter names. Thus, instead of going for long and boring names, one should try short and simple names. Short names are easy to understand and thus they are memorable. And if your newsletter name is memorable, it will make a place in the mind of people.

2. Avoid difficult words.

When you use difficult words in your newsletter names, you are making it difficult for your audience to understand it. As your goals is that more and more people read and understand your newsletter. But if people aren’t even getting your newsletter name in the first place, why would they read the whole stuff.

3. Share something surprising for your audience.

If you want your audience to read the whole newsletter, you will need to grab their attention on the first few lines. But nothing works better than a creative and catchy newsletter name. Make sure to tell something to your audience that will surprise them and thus it will turn them into reading the whole newsletter.

4. Get Suggestions from teammates.

Getting suggestions from your friends, family, and teammates may help you. Sometimes people have really creative newsletter name ideas and suggestions in their minds. Sometimes ideas just pop up in minds. So it’s always a good idea to get suggestions from teammates.

Good Luck!


Since the web first became the web, web sites have used a www in front of their domain name.

But Why?

Is WWW a Subdomain?

Any character combination to the left of a period (.) in a domain name is a subdomain. So WWW is a subdomain.

However, the WWW has some history that goes back to the web's early days. Back then it was more of a hint to the protocol and content.

Does your website need to use the www subdomain prefix?

What is the history behind using a www domain prefix?

The reason why business owners, IT admins and developers ask these questions is because many need to understand how domain names work. We use them everyday as a tool to access content and brand online content. They are more than just an easy way to find a webpage, they mean something to the computers and networks used to serve and display the content.

What is a Subdomain?

A subdomain is any child domain of a parent domain. All 'branded' domain names are child domains of top level domains. These are the phrases to the left of the parent domain.

Sida training 2011. For example in, 'example' is the child or sub domain of .com. In 'www' is a subdomain of

Domain names are really a more human consumable Internet address. Every computer (desktop, laptop, phone, server, refrigerator, etc) has an IP address. This is a collection of numbers segmented into 4 octets.

An octet is a number between 0 and 256. An IP address is a collection of 4 octets, each separated by a period.

Domains are more human readable as they incorporate letters, numbers and other characters. We can combine these characters into readable words, phrases and brand names. There are only a finite set of phone numbers we can remember, but words, far more.

Domain names include at least one top level domain (TLD). Common ones used today are .com, .net, .org and many country codes like .uk and .ca.

When you are buying a domain name (really leasing use), you are purchasing a subdomain of a top level domain. It can also be called a second level domain. You might also see the term child domain.

Once you own the rights to a domain you can provision as many subdomains as you like.

For example I often provision subdomains off for demo applications and tools.

So, www is a subdomain of your domain, which itself is a subdomain. The www can also be called a third level domain, since it is one level below your second level domain.

History of WWW


Before the Internet became the World Wide Web there were many protocols used to server variety of things like telnet, email, gopher, FTP, etc. Oh the times we had way back in the early 90s and late 80s!

I miss Archie and Gopher.

Even though each service uses different port numbers and you also use a protocol prefix in the URL, server domains were often identified by the service abbreviation, like gopher.

This made it easier for system admins to configure individual servers to handle the different service request.

Cool Subdomain Names

For example, would be's outbound email SMTP server, would be's FTP server, etc.

When the web came along it was called the world wide web and abbreviated as 'www'. So system admins naturally created servers to respond for this new service type.

At the time it was not common to serve the content from the organization's domain. But that quickly changed as the web caught fire.

Serving the web became more popular than just about every other service, at least in the public's eye. So we also started looking for web sites by just entering the organization's domain, without the www prefix.

Cool Subdomain Names Minecraft

The web became the default service for a domain.

Cool Subdomain Names Roblox

But system administrators had already started using the www subdomain and needed to do something.

So we started configuring the default service to respond when the HTTP protocol and port 80 was used is the web site. We also configured the www subdomain to be a CNAME alias to the primary domain.

Now both and return the same content.

But we now have an issue, two different addresses. We need to fix that.

To do so companies redirect one using a 301 status code to the other. It became vogue to market the www subdomain to indicate you were on the web.

I think that has changed today as more brands just market their primary domain. Browser also have a built in Ctrl+Enter shortcut that will wrap a www and .com around just the brand's core domain name.

So if you enter 'love2dev' in your browser's address bar and press Ctrl+Enter it will automatically go to

But you will be redirected to because I use my primary domain as the main destination.


No specific reason, just a personal preference.

As long as you use only a single domain and make it the final destination you are in good shape.

If you are not using a 301 redirect to either or (.com is just an example top level domain extension) then you should. If you don't you risk having duplicate content, which reduces your ability to rank well in search results.

And if you are wondering, Google and Bing do not care if you use your primary domain or the www subdomain. Just pick one.

Another common reason why sub-domains are used is to silo cookies. In this case it is not an issue since you should be using a single domain destination.

Finally, larger web sites can find value in segmenting content and application functionality by sub domains. The www subdomain can be used to indicate it is web, while 'hr', 'finance' or 'app' can be completely segmented.

Cool Subdomain Names

Before the Internet became the World Wide Web there were many protocols used to server variety of things like telnet, email, gopher, FTP, etc. Oh the times we had way back in the early 90s and late 80s!

I miss Archie and Gopher.

Even though each service uses different port numbers and you also use a protocol prefix in the URL, server domains were often identified by the service abbreviation, like gopher.

This made it easier for system admins to configure individual servers to handle the different service request.

For example, would be's outbound email SMTP server, would be's FTP server, etc.

When the web came along it was called the world wide web and abbreviated as 'www'. So system admins naturally created servers to respond for this new service type.

At the time it was not common to serve the content from the organization's domain. But that quickly changed as the web caught fire.

Serving the web became more popular than just about every other service, at least in the public's eye. So we also started looking for web sites by just entering the organization's domain, without the www prefix.

Cool Subdomain Names Minecraft

The web became the default service for a domain.

Cool Subdomain Names Roblox

But system administrators had already started using the www subdomain and needed to do something.

So we started configuring the default service to respond when the HTTP protocol and port 80 was used is the web site. We also configured the www subdomain to be a CNAME alias to the primary domain.

Now both and return the same content.

But we now have an issue, two different addresses. We need to fix that.

To do so companies redirect one using a 301 status code to the other. It became vogue to market the www subdomain to indicate you were on the web.

I think that has changed today as more brands just market their primary domain. Browser also have a built in Ctrl+Enter shortcut that will wrap a www and .com around just the brand's core domain name.

So if you enter 'love2dev' in your browser's address bar and press Ctrl+Enter it will automatically go to

But you will be redirected to because I use my primary domain as the main destination.


No specific reason, just a personal preference.

As long as you use only a single domain and make it the final destination you are in good shape.

If you are not using a 301 redirect to either or (.com is just an example top level domain extension) then you should. If you don't you risk having duplicate content, which reduces your ability to rank well in search results.

And if you are wondering, Google and Bing do not care if you use your primary domain or the www subdomain. Just pick one.

Another common reason why sub-domains are used is to silo cookies. In this case it is not an issue since you should be using a single domain destination.

Finally, larger web sites can find value in segmenting content and application functionality by sub domains. The www subdomain can be used to indicate it is web, while 'hr', 'finance' or 'app' can be completely segmented.

Cool Subdomain Names

It is up to you if you use the www subdomain address or just your domain to promote your website. It is a branding choice. Just make sure you are consistent when you promote your address across all marketing channels.

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